Page name: don't label me, stupid [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-02-11 23:48:58
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2005-05-26 [Candy Coated Corpse]: geh?

2005-05-27 [BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: yep ^_^

2005-05-27 [ceridwen]: geh?! gah...I'm

2005-05-28 [samantha louise!]: wtf wtf lol

2005-05-31 [me matas]: insane n the membrane .. insane in the brain!!!!

2005-06-01 [samantha louise!]: :s my head hurtz

2005-06-01 [me matas]: sorry **stops singing**

2005-06-02 [Candy Coated Corpse]: hehe cyprus hill :P

2005-06-08 [me matas]: eww!!!!

2005-06-21 [Dil*]: So.....WHAT if someone thinks your goth/punk/prep/geek. My principle: If you dress like a clown, talk like a clown, and act like a clown..then you are a clown. It's your own fault if people think you're goth/punk/prep.

2005-06-21 [LaDy_DrAc]: hi

2005-06-21 [Stray Kitty]: Okay I see your arguement. Now here's mine. I can dress like a "goth" wear black, chains and fishnet and act like a "goth" for a day. The next day I could dress and act like a "prep". Then what? That is why I think that labels are stupid. You can't sterotype a person by the clothes they wear. Because they're just clothes. Clothes that can be changed the very next day. Then where's your label?

2005-06-21 [Dil*]: Here's the question, why dress in all black and wear makeup and all that stuff? Is it maybe to look a certain way? Is it maybe because you think a certain way? Is it maybe because you see it on T.V. and think it's cool?

2005-06-21 [Dil*]: What's my label? I don't bother wearing any clothes to look a certain way, but my personality comes out in several things.

2005-06-21 [Stray Kitty]: No it just bugs me that people will discriminate against others because of the clothes they wear. I make myself very hard to sterotype. Unless you use freak.

2005-06-21 [Dil*]: There's a difference between discrimination and labelling. Labelling is the same as categorization, discrimination is being an asshole about it.

2005-06-21 [Dil*]: And how do you expect people not to categorize you when you people categorize yourselves?

2005-06-21 [Stray Kitty]: Yes, I just don't like labels based on clothes because you can change them so easily.

2005-06-21 [Dil*]: "If you dress like a clown, talk like a clown, and act like a clown..then you are a clown." It doesn't imply just clothes, but yes, that is an aspect, but what compells one to dress a certain way? Obviously one dresses 'goth' to look 'goth' and when someone asks them if they're 'goth' they go: "Oh no! don't label me!" and this makes the whole situation quite ridiculous.

2005-06-21 [Stray Kitty]: Okay but what about this: It was October. I had painted my nails black and orange and my braces were black and orange. I was wearing black boot cut jeans, a magenta colored turtle neck and my light purple and cream ski jacket. Some idiot informed me that I weas a "Halloween Goth".

2005-06-21 [Dil*]: That's the same as dressing 'goth'. And it depends if he was being an asshole about it. If someone asks another person if they were 'goth', they're generally compelled to do so by a 'unique' sense of dress.

2005-06-21 [Stray Kitty]: Yeah. Come to think of it I never did get along with him. Ever. I think he's still mad about losing thatarguement.

2005-06-21 [Dil*]: ....ok. I'm all for anti-discrimination, but this anti-label just illogical in most cases.

2005-06-21 [ceridwen]: Well, you can't tell me that I dress 'goth' because I want to be 'goth'. That's BS. SOmedays I wear all black, sure. It's because I'm blind in the morning and just put on whatever the hell smells clean. And my left hand has black fingernails. Why? Because I got bored and colored them with a sharpie. It's not like intenionaly try to get people to think I'm a 'goth'. And I don't like saying 'goth', anyways. Goths were actually a gruop of people, but they were kinda like Vikings. Only worse. So there. I don't like labeling. Even clothing labels are stupid. Expect when they point out the size. Why? Because coporate America sucks. I hate it. But i continue to buy clothes that cover me from them.

2005-06-21 [ceridwen]: Damn that was long. Sorry for my rant.

2005-06-21 [Dil*]: Being blind in the morning is a one time thing, and you 'happened' to have all black clothes. What a coincidence. Goths were vikings, unless we apply it to a subculture, and that's what we're talking about. You look "Goth" through deliberate choice and one must life with the consequences of that choice.

2005-06-22 [ceridwen]: Yeah. It is a coincidence. Somedays, the only clothes I have clean are black. It's not deliberate. Sorry, but I'm not gonna wear any clothes that are covered in sweat and smell like the guys locker room. And I'm not into any fashion flare. I just wear my clothes. And asking people not to label me is perfectly fine. Asking one not to judge is another. So, don't label me, stupid.

2005-06-22 [Dil*]: If you dress like a clown, talk like a clown, and act like a clown..then you are a clown. People label themselves and are surprised when people label them. Do you happen to have black shoes..and socks..and nailpolish if so it's not a 'coincidence'.

2005-06-22 [BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: well u could just like the color me,ilove the color black,ilike wat "goths"wear but that doesnt actually mean i "am" one i mean,its not the way they dress thats makes them all goth,its the way they think mentally....thats my point of view

2005-06-22 [Dil*]: But this wiki is about: I'm goth, but no! You can't call me goth. The idea contradicts itself. I personally like the colour black alot, but that doens't mean I'll wear all black down to the socks and shoes, that's like trying to look 'cool' or maybe 'goth'. If you don't want to be called goth, don't dress like one. Simple as that.

2005-06-22 [BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: just c/ u dress like it doesnt mean u ARE goth,u can just like the color

2005-06-22 [Dil*]: If someone wears all black once in a while, it doesn't really matter, no one will really notice. Unless you have really obnoxious black/white makeup with 'ANTI-CHRIST' written across the back of your shirt. You won't get a problem with labelling. Usually someone gets a problem with labelling when they REALLY go out of their way to look 'unique.' And even then, so what? So what if someone asks you if your goth?

2005-06-23 [ceridwen]: I have black socks, but only for marching band. And I have black shoes, so what? They go with everything. But I also happen to have pink, bright blue, and lime green shoes. And no, I don't have black nail polish. Ahsley does. And she's about one of the most 'preppy' people I know. And she's proud of it. And don't worry, I don't have an Anti-Christ shirt. No...That'd be a little odd...Since I'm a Christain.. Yeah, see, I've never done the 'goth' thing before. But Iused to go out of my way to be different. That and I like sticking out a little bit. I wore layers with Mardi Gras beads, and ties with my blazer and sweaters. I liked that. And I had problems with people labeling me then.

2005-06-23 [Dil*]: What do you mean by labelling? Did they go up to you and tell you what you are? In that case it's not the subculture's fault, or so much the labels fault for that person was probably an asshole to begin with.

2005-06-23 [Dil*]: And if you dress to attract attention, don't whine about it when you do get a bit more attention.

2005-06-23 [ceridwen]: Eh, well that was a while ago. Then life ppned. And I have too much crap in my life to care anymore. But I didn't to it solely for attention. I just didn't feel like being another drone. And, no they weren't an asshole. But people would describe me as 'skater' and 'punk', when I don't skate board or anything like that, and I wasn't into the Sex Pistols at that point. I even had one guy say I was 'goth' just because I painted my fingernails black one time. Oh, and I wore my favourite plaid pants.

2005-06-23 [Dil*]: Just by being yourself is enough to be unique, scratch the clothing. If there is any misconception, just state what you are not, and like I said: You really have to go out of your way for people to actually ask you if you're goth/punk/blah.

2005-06-23 [ceridwen]: True. You do. And I did. And, you see, I wasn't as wise then. I know better now. Not that I'm 'normal' within soceity yet, but my self-worth is gone up a little. Heh. I used a lot of things to try and feel like something.

2005-06-24 [sophomoric]: Irrelevent. Labels are a point of general necessity, and even human nature. Are they stupid? Of course, but they are ever-present and they make life simpler and swifter. Otherwise "republican" and "democrat" and "liberal" and "conservative" as well as nationalities and religions wouldn't have titles... because all they are, are labels. It's identity. Nothing more. Move along with your lives while you can.

2005-06-24 [ceridwen]: Eh, true. I hate all labels. But we, here in this wiki, are simply focusing on the labeling of which has become more popular lately. And, I won't move on. I'm concerned. Actaully, I just have nothing better to do than whine and complain.

2005-06-24 [Dil*]: I just find this whole movement to be riddled with hypocrisy and flaws.

2005-06-25 [ceridwen]: It is. But so is everything created by mankind. Heh. And I joined this wiki for superficial reasons. Rocco is one. The other...Well, just for the heck of it. I'm suprised I actaully cared about labeling. Or can at least agrue the point. Heh.

2005-06-25 [Dil*]: That made little or no sense.

2005-06-25 [ceridwen]: True. Eh, the stupidity leaks once more. Everything created by mankind is riddled with hypocrisy and flaws. And your not accomplishing anything if you win the agrument. I just joined this wiki for the heck of it.

2005-06-25 [Dil*]: My pencil isn't a bloody hypocrite. My calculater has no flaws as it functions properly. I don't care about winning the arguement with you in particular. I may start the anti-anti-label movement and I wanted to see if you could actually defend your ideas with some proper logic. Apparently not.

2005-06-25 [ceridwen]: Ah, now you turn to insulting me because you can't win. Or maybe it's frustration. And a caculator does have its flaws. And a penicl is full of hypocrisy. Not sure how, but it is. Just to spite you. Heh. If you'd like, we can have another go at the defending thing. But really, there is a logic explaintion to me anti-label stand. Care to hear? Or is that read?

2005-06-25 [Dil*]: The existence of a pencil does not contradict itself. There's 100 members in this wiki, I just wondered if I could be proven wrong. But I just have to keep repeating myself.

2005-06-25 [ceridwen]: Ok, so maybe the pencil is just dandy. But when I was referring to things made by mankind, inanimate objects were being implied. But I guess you aren't the philosphical type. Oh well. And how are you repeating yourself? Beacuse in that case so am I.

2005-06-25 [Dil*]: I AM philosophical, philosophy follows logic and reality too. 

2005-06-25 [ceridwen]: Ah. I see I have either angered of fustrated you. So sorry. But your agruement is quite shotty. Full of holes. But I won't use the pun.

2005-06-25 [Dil*]: Neither, I'm just like this. I'm up for debate anytime.

2005-06-25 [I'm gone gone gone]: *screams: "[Dil*], [Dil*], [Dil*]!!!!!!!!" hehe...

2005-06-25 [Dil*]: ..o.o

2005-06-25 [sophomoric]: Not all things man creates are full of hypocrisy. Example: I'm all for taking better care of the environment, and as such, I follow my own values by recycling, picking up other people's trash, conserving energy, and walking more than driving. Find the hypocrisy.

2005-06-25 [Dil*]: I conserve energy like a crazy mofo..cause' my parents brought me up that save money XD

2005-06-28 [me matas]: yeah!

2005-06-28 [ceridwen]: OK, you got me beat. But only because I'm drained of my creative spunk of intellect and words at the moment. Damn story. Oh, well. I guess you pick your battles. And you gotta lose a little to win in the long run.

2005-06-28 [ceridwen]: Heh. But I wouldn't mind debating you some other time. And just to let you know [Dulce_Vita} has warned me not to irrate you. But, honestly, I'm not trying. I just try to prove my point. Aggravating people is just a plus. ^.^ I'm just an annoying little bugger.

2005-06-28 [Dil*]: Eh? No offence taken, if anything I AM the bastard in this.

2005-06-29 [The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: OK really...what is the point of this wiki? Do you people really think that the whole labeling thing is ever going to change?! You people can't even defend your arguments !

2005-06-29 [ceridwen]: Heh. ou think I can't? Well let's just see. I'm willing to go another round. And so what if it doesn't change? At least we can say we tried. And what if it does? If nough people make it known that is offensive to them, that it is unaccpetable, then it won't be such a huge part of human flaws. Sure, there would be some labeling still flaoting around, but it's the same with racism. When enough people made it known it was unacceptable, that they wouldn't stand for it, and eventaully that was widely nown. Sure, there is still some racism around, but it's not as bad. If we just sit around complain about how the world is crap and flawed, what is that gonna do? We can at least try to change it (c)

2005-06-29 [ceridwen]: for the better. You know?

2005-06-29 [Dil*]: Back to the point of labelling is simply categorizing and discriminating is being an asshole about it. you could easily change your clothes, you can't change the colour of your skin though.

2005-06-30 [ceridwen]: Yeah, but what if you don't want to change your clothes? I mean, if it's not trashy and within the laws. Discriminating is not the subject, though. Labelling is. And it's not just about categorising. It's about generalizing.

2005-06-30 [Dil*]: If you dress like a goth/punk/prep, then people are going to think you are. Everyone judges, even if it's not outward. It's human nature to categorize. If one were to wear a 'vote for democrat' badge thing, we'd have to assume that they support the democrats..though we can't say anything about what type of music they like or what food they eat.

2005-06-30 [ceridwen]: Eh....Maybe you have a point. I know it's wrong to ask people not to judge. It's human nature. And repressing that part of you is wrong. Trust me, I'm kinda messed up from it. Now I have to allow myself to judge people. Heh. But then again if you happen to wear black pants, a shirt from Hot Topic, and black eyeliner one day, people assume.

2005-06-30 [ceridwen]: People will assume that you listen to rock, like the color black, and don't love God. That's wrong. And that's what I'm against. Labelling.

2005-06-30 [The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: I highly doubt that anyone would assume that you don't love God...I mean people are just not that stupid! That's like assuming every guy with a gotte worships Satan :P

2005-07-01 [ceridwen]: Um, actaully, it's not that far off. Trust me. It's happened before. (Expect the black pants. I only wear black dress pant. Heh.)

2005-07-01 [Dil*]: That's the same as saying one who wears a 'vote for democrat' badge is some sort of radical liberal anti-christ. Just doesn't add up. It's called stupidity if anything.

2005-07-02 [ceridwen]: Yeah, but it happens. A lot. But that might be because drofnarb is full of idiots. Gah...

2005-07-05 [Lost in Illusions]: wow.. when did we care what we were called? I mean, I dont like being directly judged because of a few ideals, but by the way I dress? I could give less than a fuck! I dress and act how I do because I WANT TO not because I want to fit in, or be "individual.." Personally, I am not going to label myself because that's how I am, I am without definition, but if someone wants to label me, so fucking what? That's their own fucking choice. Why do we discriminate against those that discriminate against us, or hate those that judge us just because? It's your choice to dress a certain way, so deal with the labels!

2005-07-05 [Lost in Illusions]: and then, to have the idiot ", stupid" at the end of the wiki name; Why in the hell do you label others when you, yourselves, hate being labeled? I realize it may be a little irony or sarcasm, but it's really quite stupid.

2005-07-07 [Feasting on Needles]: You need a nerd banner, hoi hoi!

2005-07-07 [prisoner#81378]: I wunt a bannur 4 not noeing how 2 spel. plez.

2005-07-10 [ceridwen]: Right...Well, I'm decidely done with this deabte, for no one is seeing my point. And, I don't think I'm reall representing this wiki. But I really don't wanna take my name off. Heh.

2005-07-13 [me matas]: ...?

2005-07-13 [LaDy_DrAc]: wuts upl

2005-07-14 [me matas]: nothing.. just trying to get my standing on where every one else is at you know!! **laughs** o0o well !! **huggles**

2005-07-16 [spongemonkey]: why do soup cans need a label? I think it'd be fun to try your luck with unlabeled soup cans...

2005-07-19 [ForNeverYours]: THATS WHAT WE DO!

2005-07-20 [omgOMEGA]: Can I please join? I hate people who label people. Why must everyone be in a category?

2005-07-21 [me matas]: go ahead... and no!!! youd be sitting there like umm i could really go for some veggie soup right now so you open the can and opps it cream or mushroom!!! then you et all depressed cause you really really wanted veggie but you have to eat cream of mushroom or it will go bad! ** huffs and puffs**

2005-07-21 [LaDy_DrAc]: okay

2005-07-21 [omgOMEGA]: I made this banner :<img:>

2005-07-21 [omgOMEGA]: it's a bit big... but do you like? You can use it if you want

2005-07-21 [LaDy_DrAc]: nice

2005-07-21 [omgOMEGA]: thanks.

2005-07-21 [LaDy_DrAc]: i love it

2005-07-21 [me matas]: hee hee

2005-07-21 [omgOMEGA]: thank you.

2005-07-21 [LaDy_DrAc]: np

2005-07-21 [samantha louise!]: hey pplz

2005-07-22 [me matas]: hey

2005-07-22 [me matas]: hey !

2005-07-22 [omgOMEGA]: hey!

2005-07-26 [omgOMEGA]: helloo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-07-27 [LaDy_DrAc]: hi

2005-08-12 [me matas]: meow!

2005-08-16 [Cina]: Hi! What about those of us labeled "Jesus freak" or "bible thumper" there a place for us here, too?

2005-08-16 [BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: WATEVER LABLE IT IS....just come?PLZ just come lol

2005-08-16 [Cina]: Hee hee ^_^

2005-08-17 [omgOMEGA]: dude... *stares at ballerina monkeys*

2005-08-18 [BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: ...UM....whos ballerina monkeys??lol

2005-08-18 [samantha louise!]: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

2005-08-18 [omgOMEGA]: woah... *stares at banana buddies*

2005-08-18 [samantha louise!]: *stares at [omgOMEGA]*

2005-08-18 [omgOMEGA]: man... *giggles whilst hallucinating* heeheeheeheeheehee

2005-08-18 [samantha louise!]: OK that is scary

2005-08-18 [omgOMEGA]: woah... cookies...

2005-08-18 [samantha louise!]: mhm

2005-08-18 [omgOMEGA]: it's a bad dream! Will make you SCREAM! 'Cause it's hideous beyone beLIEF!

2005-08-18 [me matas]: really? i should like to see this dream

2005-08-18 [samantha louise!]: pretty dreams.

2005-08-18 [me matas]: lol

2005-08-18 [samantha louise!]: Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurdy.

2005-08-20 [omgOMEGA]: then go to the theatre and see the rocky monster horror show.

2005-08-21 [Casval]: Someone needs to make one of those posters for "emo." Dear Lord, I hate when I get that thrown at me...

2005-08-24 [omgOMEGA]: funky monkeys ate my banana pellets!

2005-08-24 [me matas]: rocky horror monster show?>??>? do you by any chance mean rocky horror picture show?

2005-08-25 [omgOMEGA]: No, Rocky Monster/Horror Show.

2005-08-30 [me matas]: never heard of it....

2005-09-02 [Synirria]: Hey everyone

2005-09-04 [omgOMEGA]: I have. And AAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-09-05 [Synirria]: Lol

2005-09-07 [me matas]: hee hee

2005-09-11 [omgOMEGA]: ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-09-13 [me matas]: lol

2005-09-13 [alu]: YO!

2005-09-14 [me matas]: kick it one time boi!!!!

2005-09-14 [Candy Coated Corpse]: miaow

2005-09-14 [omgOMEGA]: you no make sense smelly monkeys.

2005-09-15 [me matas]: hee hee no its a vanilla ice song

2005-09-15 [omgOMEGA]: banana oranges.

2005-09-16 [me matas]: ? i wonder what that would taste like????

2005-09-21 [omgOMEGA]: like bananas and oranges. and AAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-10-06 [Snowboarding Zombie]: i eat people like you.....

2005-10-06 [omgOMEGA]: Well I run circles around people like you! *runs around in circles* did the kettle always take this long??

2005-12-01 [me matas]: yes i believe ** dances in circles**

2005-12-01 [omgOMEGA]: WOOOAH IT'S BEEN AGES SINCE WE TALK HERE!!! Is this still a wiki?

2005-12-01 [me matas]: yeah i believe so

2005-12-02 [Ouka]: Hayo,can I join?

2005-12-03 [me matas]: yeah just put your name on the list!! lool and ello ello!!!

2005-12-03 [Ouka]: Yay,thanks!!

2005-12-03 [me matas]: hee heee

2005-12-05 [omgOMEGA]: laughing out of loud??

2005-12-08 [Ouka]: lol __ lol

2005-12-11 [omgOMEGA]: \m/^^\m/ yo dude!

2005-12-12 [Ouka]: Konnichiwa!

2005-12-12 [omgOMEGA]: i____<--------\./

2005-12-13 [Ouka]: i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!

2005-12-14 [Softcore_Kid_x]: i thing you should make a banner for people that set the own style and get called names like skater,rocker and weirdos

2005-12-16 [omgOMEGA]: ... don't we already have one?

2005-12-19 [Softcore_Kid_x]: oh ok

2005-12-20 [omgOMEGA]: heheh only soup cans need a label...

2005-12-20 [Softcore_Kid_x]: lol

2005-12-20 [Ouka]: lmao ^^

2005-12-20 [omgOMEGA]: lmfao...

2005-12-21 [Ouka]: ^-^

2005-12-21 [omgOMEGA]: ^_^

2006-01-02 [Arsenic and old lace]: wow... lol.

2006-01-03 [Softcore_Kid_x]: (",)

2006-01-07 [omgOMEGA]: *gasps*

2006-01-12 [Ouka]: lmao

2006-01-20 [omgOMEGA]: *waves hands like wallace* Crackers gromit!

2006-03-27 [me matas]: lol but what about the penguins?

2006-03-28 [Venus 53]: ok every1, research for school: why shouldn't people give people labels??

2006-04-18 [BinaryPhoenix]: because it is demeaning, and hurts sometimes...  How is it possible for some people to use one word to label a single individual? Humans are complex, intricate beings that are so full of conflicts, opposites and changes the whole time... How is it then possible to use a SINGLE word? o_O

2006-04-19 [Venus 53]: fantastic, thanks!

2006-04-19 [BinaryPhoenix]: Pleasure is all mine! ^_^

2006-05-16 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: I have wanted to join this for the longest time... wow. Finally got around to it...

2006-05-17 [me matas]: hee hee

2006-05-18 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: A long time ago, I actuall made a shirt in honer of this wiki:

2006-05-18 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: On the back it says I CAN LABEL MYSELF.

2006-05-23 [ForNeverYours]: thats great!

2006-05-23 [me matas]: wow go you!!!!

2006-05-25 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: HAHA! <3 I love that shirt. <3 My parents try to make me throw it away cause it's "negitive and insultive"... but I kept it. >=D Muwahahaha! I make shirts all the time. <3 But this is one of my faves.

2006-06-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: Just because I label doesn't mean I'm stupid. Talk about hypocritical.

2006-06-03 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: That's the world.

2006-06-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: ....Not really... A lot of things in the world & the people that practice them aren't hypocritical. In fact, most peple like to avoid being hypocritical. Your blatant hypocracy defiles your whole message, it's null and void because you do to others what they do to you. You get what you give, karma, 'treat others how you would like to be treated.' Don't be an asshole & then complain when others are assholes to you.

2006-06-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: Also, 'fat' and 'ugly' aren't labels, they're observations. You can't say something stupid like "Just because I have excess fat all over my body doesn't mean I'm fat," like ya'll do that "Just because I wear all black and chains and heavy eyeliner and BLAH BLAH BLAH doesn't mean I'm Goth," thing. Fat and Ugly aren'ts subcultures. There is no group of ugly kids who hang out in front of the guidance office at lunch, and there is no group of fat kids who eat cake together under the bleachers every Saturday night. Again, they are not labels.

2006-06-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: By the by, that 'soup can' quote. Are ya'll going to recognize it's a QUOTE from a man by the name of Anthony Rapp or are ya'll going to pretend you made it up or something?

2006-06-05 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: Using your same example... you don't find "the stupid kids" hanging out in front of that office, or eating cake under the bleachers. Stupid isn't a label, it's an insult. You can't annotate every single person's definition of stupid, thus it's not a label. Labeling comes from everyone's common conseption of a person by their appearence and behavour. If you wear black, heavy eyeliner, chains... blah, blah, blah... then people can precive that you are goth. But they don't KNOW for sure... they're just assuming. That's labeling. So, hell. We can insult.

2006-06-05 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yes. You can define someone as stupid by their behaviour, stupid. Stupid and fat and ugly are different things. Fat and ugly are obvious PHYSICAL characteristics. I could not be wrong in saying someone is FAT, it would be a) my opinion and b) therefore, true (at least to me.) You couldn't prove me wrong or whine about it because you ARE or ARE NOT fat and/or ugly and this can be determined SOLELY by physical appearance, while calling someone STUPID because of one act would be labelling them under the category of 'stupid' while you don't really know this person. Thus, calling someone fat/ugly = not labelling, calling someone stupid = labelling.

2006-06-05 [Jeesum Crowe]: You don't KNOW for sure if I am stupid, you are assuming because of one act. Therefore, by your definition, you are labelling me. So, hell. Stop being a hypocrite.

2006-06-05 [Jeesum Crowe]: Not everyone's definition of 'goth' or 'punk' or 'prep' is the same, by the way. Thinking they are would be a misconception.

2006-06-06 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: The insult 'Stupid' is someone's preception of one's action... not behaviour. Behaviour is constant repetive action. Someone is not stupid in all senses for smashing his hand in a door to see what would happen. That's stupid. It's not a label on the person so much as the action. But should he behave like that all the time, smashing himself with things on purpose as a sport, then-- well, you'd say he'd need therepy. Which is off the point I'm trying to make.

2006-06-06 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yes, 'preception.' That's totally a word. Behaviour is not a constant repetitive action, doll. Behaviour is the way one behaves, the way on acts & reacts. If one were labelling the 'action' of labelling others, one would say 'Don't Label Me, It's Stupid,' or 'Don't Label Me, That's Stupid,' not 'Don't Label Me, Stupid.' And if one were to behave like that all the time, because he needs therapy (and thereby has some sort of mental issue) he would not be stupid, he would have a mental problem. The fact is, you're bullshitting this because you know that this name hypocritical and you don't want to admit it.

2006-06-08 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: It's an abbrieviated form. It's modern english. Jumping from 14ft up a tree and landing in a pile of leaves, my friends said: "Don't do that, stupid." That doesn't mean they were calling me stupid as labeling me on everything. Or at all. It was my action they were refering to. An american sloppy way of saying: "Don't do that, it's stupid." You're going to have to open up your mind a little JC, cause I've tried every way to explain this. But you're not seeming to get it. I'm running out of examples.

2006-06-08 [Jeesum Crowe]: No, I'm pretty sure when I say to someone 'Don't do that, stupid,' I'm calling them stupid. I'm going to have to open up my mind? Darling, you belong to a wiki that's against labelling because you think it's discriminatory. That's narrow minded. You wouldn't know discrimination if you were a black Jew in Germany circa 1940, AKA if it hit you over the head.

2006-07-11 [immortal daydreams.]: This wiki, as I understood it, was about people's opinions. "Stupid", as AH stated, is NOT in itself a label. If you call someone "stupid" it's an insult. If you call the person wearing black, heavy eyeliner, chains, blah blah blah, a goth, then, well, that's a stereotype. The name could be taken to be hypocrytical, AH, but JC, are you just here to stir up trouble? "Stupid", like I said, is an insult, not a stereotype. It could be used to stereotype someone, but it is not in itself a stereotype. JC, is it really necessary to pick apart on English grammar issues? 'Perception' and 'Preception'; r and e are right next to each other on the keyboard, it's an easy mistake.

2006-07-11 [immortal daydreams.]: So you should probably just lay off, because I could continue on this debate as long as necessary. Even though this is an opinionated wiki, I don't think it was meant to be a spot for someone to just stir up trouble in debate.

2006-07-11 [immortal daydreams.]: Also, JC, I noticed that you describe yourself in your profile as "more punk than you will ever be", which is a stereotype. Why would you come to an anti-stereotype wiki, then?

2006-07-16 [Jeesum Crowe]: Dude, dig a little further. I have a pro-stereotype wiki. I am a Metonymite. I come to an anti-stereotype wiki to see what kind of weak arguments you propose. And by calling someone stupid for one isolated act (such as labelling) you would be judging them. Judging is labelling. Labelling, to you strange people, is in some way bad. I'm just saying : Don't be hypocritical. Also, you point out that "more punk than you will ever be" is stereotyping. But that's labelling myself, is it not? Which all of these banners seem to go for. "...I can label myself." Again, you're not being consistent.

2007-10-30 [_Einsam_Ein_]: and again you are all being stupid and arguing over something that has been argued about long enough. both of you should open your mind and think about this for a second... i wear clothing that would consist of what you keep describing as "goth" but i also wear clothing that the cheerleaders in my school would consider "preppy" does this then mean that as on the days i am wearing my chains i am a "goth" and on the days i am dressed up girly does this also then mean that i am a "prep"? before you get all pissy about stereotypes how about you think about that for a second? 

2007-12-23 [Killopkie]: everyone thinks they are absolutely right and they probably are, but that is throwing facts around and usually just causes the opposition to go on the defensive, making them even more convinced that they are absolutely right. So, you are right and you are right and he is right and that guy over there is right, but everyone thinks that the other is wrong, therefore causing no learning until somebody submits and only the person that submits will learn anything, because he/she will be the only one listening and not trying to disproove the opposition who is completely convinced beyone the shadow of a doubt that he is right, completely defeating the purpose and giving the two or more oppositions that have not the will to submit bad will tward eachother, even though they are on the same subject and enjoy talking about the same thing.
Haha! rant

2007-12-24 [Venus 53]: yay rant =)
and good point, of course =P

2008-04-28 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: Hey, [Jeesum Crowe]. About the 'not being consistent' deal...It's about not liking people labeling us. Not about us not liking our own labels we give ourselves, now that would be an inane action wouldn't it? Hating the label we give ourselves. The world is full of double-standards. Deal with it. We can label ourselves but you can't label us. Also, just because you judge someone, doesn't mean you label someone. labeling someone is putting someone in a stereotype. Judging someone is just acknowledging their characteristics and saying whether or not you like em. Labeling someone is putting someone in a group. get your words straight.

2009-07-03 [RaydensFyre]: im perfectly fine with being labeled......everyone is entitled to their I am to label away at me peeps! Im an easy target.....

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